I Robot

A recurrent problem arises. We (the neighbourhood collective) have a Twitter account to retweet information that might be of interest to the residents. Planning, transport stuff… yawn…that sort of thing. Three of us are trusted to Tweet. But one is less trusty and occasionally given to go off on one and cross that fuzzy line into personal opinion. And he’s a bit of a militant urbanist. And not everyone is. And he’s well on the spectrum according to the SK. We’re outside the controlled parking zone, y’see and its extension to cover us has implications, shall we say. Implications that not everyone will appreciate. Like paying over a hundred squidders per annum for something that was previously free. Again, he’s very well off, so he’s not going to care overly about the little people. I have my work cut out, but tis done.
Then to pick up minky for swimming lesson #2. The wee pool is open - but she won’t do more than sit in the shallow water on the step. At first. But gradually.. gradually… eventually we’re in the big pool and I’m just holding her arms and she’s kicking her legs out behind her! Brave wee thing! Home to settle and play. 
Much later.. the Last of Us episode 3. Totally deserving of the plaudits. Clap clap clap.

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