By lizzie_birkett

Ice and Hot Water!

We got the girls out to breakfast club at 8 am and then had a leisurely morning. We picked them up at lunchtime as Amelia gets special leave on Friday afternoons for figure skating in Stirling and as there is nobody to collect Lucy at 3 she is allowed home too. Friday afternoons for P2’s is playtime so she doesn’t miss much and she likes to go and watch Amelia.
It’s a while since we’ve watched Amelia on the ice and she has come on leaps and bounds - literally!
We got home about 4ish and they played dolls for a while - Amelia learnt from You tube how to do a French Plait on her Generation doll - I was impressed, I can only do a plain plait.
After tea we went in the hot tub, we just relaxed while the girls played with their mermaids and they asked Frank to sing funny songs which he is always happy to do,
Then we came in and watched The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe but Lucy was a bit scared so we stopped it and put on the latest Annie film till they got tired and wanted to go to bed. We’ll watch the rest tomorrow.

Sorry for the lack of comments yesterday, I wasn’t feeling too good but much better today.
Goodnight :-)X

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