To Say Thanks

It was VERY cold her this morning, 17°F (-8.3°C). Hubby got up early and headed to Kristen’s. He joined them on their car shopping adventure. I understand the purchase is almost complete - a future blip. He has a Knight’s function after Mass; a long day for sure. I completed several more small jobs around the house, fed and watered the birds, etc. My sister and BIL stopped by to get their fire pit. Parker came over to help lift it in the truck. They had a grand chat about this and that. We have a parent at the grands’ parish school who is a professional metal smith. He donates a fire pit every year for the school auction. My children and I have been unsuccessful bidders. So they asked if he would make me one at his convenience. The price of metal dropped enough that he made it this year. Hubby and I go to WV most warm months throughout the year and are so grateful for the peaceful. down time . We wanted something my sister and BIL could use to show how thankful we are for the opportunity. Voila! I think he did a great job with the art work. They will have a touch of their MD River environment at their WV mountain home. That’s about it from here. Sure hope you are enjoying your weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. "Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling." - Henry Van Dyke

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