Runeberg Tarts

It's Sunday again.
Time flies whether you have something to do or not. Well and good, otherwise it would be miserable. Last night it was cold, about -10. During the day zero. Now, in the evening, it began snowing. So.

Let's get back to Runeberg tart, "Runebergin torttu" in Finnish (I'm not sure about the right translation for the pastry, please tell me). It's a Finnish tart flavored with almonds and arrack or rum and usually has raspberry jam encircled by a ring of icing on top. The tart is named after Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1804–1877) who is considered Finland's national poet. One of his poems "Maamme-laulu" became the national anthem of Finland.

According to legend, Runeberg regularly enjoyed the tart, mentioned above, made by his wife, with punsch for breakfast. Runeberg tarts are typically eaten only in Finland and on his birthday February 5th. The day was, unlike usually,  already celebrated during his lifetime.

Today is Runeberg Day, and we enjoy the tarts. I have never tried to make them myself. I should do it someday. We always just buy them. The tarts in the picture were slightly damaged in the bag on the way home, but I know they still taste delicious:)

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