Feb 5
I didn't realize how much I missed seeing the birds at the feeders until I looked out this morning and saw blue jays, chickadees, a downy woodpecker, a couple of mourning doves and some sparrows were down on the ground, making it hard to get photos of them.
I tossed some peanut out onto the deck for the blue jays so they were happy. I was surprised that all the birds were around just then because I looked over into one of the trees, and thought, that's not a crow sitting there. Grabbed my other camera so I could zoom in on it, and it was a red tailed hawk! Now I know who the crows were harassing last week.
After brunch I took a quick drive out to Eastern Passage, not much happening there today, then stopped at Morash Pond on the way home. Part of the pond is frozen now, but one end never seems to freeze, so the ducks hang out there. I spotted 2 male and one female northern pintail while I was there. One of the males was posing nicely away from the mallards.
One of the roommates that moved in a few weeks ago moved out again today. He decided to get back together with his wife. He paid his rent for February and gave his notice at that time. He didn't ask for any money back. I'm not sure what his marriage problems were about, but it was an expensive lesson for him. It cost him $900, and he spent about 7 nights here. He spent one full day here, one day that it snowed. The other days, he would leave early in the morning and return later in the day. He's 78 years old, and retired, so I knew he wasn't going to work.
N, the other guy that moved in, will move to the downstairs room sometime over the next month. Then I can turn that room into a studio/hobby/plant room.
I would rather have one long term roommate than this revolving door that I've had since I moved here.
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