Market of Choice Pepper Quote

Shopping today at one of our favorite grocery stores.

I've blipped this store previously.

The Pepper Virtue quote caught my eye today.

Upon snapping the photo, I was accosted by a store manager.

He wanted to know what I was photographing and why.

I proudly showed him this image.

He was extremely unimpressed.

He advised me that the management worried about photos going to competing stores and that photos were prohibited on the premises.

I had never thought of myself as a super-spy involved with grocery espionage / counter-espionage missions.

I did a head trip on this new role while helping Kathy collect the stuff we needed.

Fortunately we managed to avoid the dangers that lurked in each department we passed through before reaching the cash register.

Sadly, this will be my last Blip from the wild and wooly danger zone called Market of Choice.

PS: I have not a clue who Piato is.

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