Views of my world

By rosamund


Every Night Is Followed By Sunrise

I had to be patient this morning, I went to the shore back at the yacht club at 5am and sat waiting for half an hour for something that would make a good shot. I was disappointed but the sun hasn't made it past the cloud bank sitting over the hills so I drove up Lyle Hill on my way home and caught this just at the perfect spot.

I had also been lamenting the lack of wildlife on the shore today, no fish jumping out the water, no low flying ducks, no swans, not even any oyster catchers and only a handful of seagulls. Mother Nature must have heard me though I was presented with a young deer sauntering along Union Street. It soon scarpered as I approached but it was amazing to see it in such a built up area.

I was quite tired so had a wee snooze on returning home at 6 and after coffee and croissant I'm ready for my day. Early birthday celebrations tonight as Noah turns 13 tomorrow but is spending the weekend at his dad's.

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