Pink Burst Over Nellie's

A breezy day at times, but dry and good drought.  It's not been overly sunny, but a lovely sunset.

Early shift in the airport today.  The day started on the check-in desk, and our first flight was delayed due to de-icing in ABZ.  I moved to meeting and boarding flights, most in and out early.  Back to the check-in desk in the afternoon.  Popped by Laura's on my way home.  Mostly lazy this evening, but I got out walkies with Sammy.  Mam and dad popped by on their way home from Unst.  Feet up now. 

Me and Laura headed down to mam's to check on Bandit.  We had a walk around the old township, when this beautiful colours started to appear in sky, about 1645.  Even with the widest of lens on my camera, I couldn't capture all the pink burst that stretched across the sky.  Hopefully a sign of a good day tomorrow.  Taken at Nellie's, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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