A False Positive

Still windy, but slightly calmer gales.  Woke up to a dusting of snow, and more wintery showers all day.  Some sunny spells too.

Up fairly early, and got ready for work.  I've had a late shift in the airport today, and a busy morning of oil and gas flights to check-in.  A quiet afternoon, and a busy evening.  Mam, dad, Laura, Shaun, Megan, Elise and Olly popped along this evening, and we also headed out walkies with Sammy.  Feet up now, telly on.

A bit of excitement when I opened the curtains and saw the snow this morning, but it was a false positive.  Enough snow to give it a wintery look, but a not enough to have a snow day at home!  This time last year, we had a lovely spell of snow, sun and ice, wish we were having that again.  There's still plenty of winter to come yet, hopefully more snow too.  A dusting of snow over Shurton Brae, Gulberwick.  

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