
Picture of Scout sent to me by M - no photos taken today.

BP then planted some seeds and painted jars in the greenhouse while listening to the Archers omnibus.  I last listened about three years ago but the Covid monologues were not to my taste but I’m pleased I’ve rediscovered this harmless, entertaining podcast catch-up.  The greenhouse was warm and sunny and I enjoyed an hour pottering.

OH took no.1 for a session with osteopath and then drove to TW for catch up with A.  He spent an hour or so wandering while No,1 was having lunch with A and then a drive home the scenic way via Matfield.  Unfortunately OH left his coat/wallet and phone in TW so had to drive back again to collect it.  No.1 worried he may have early onset?  Don’t think so, just forgetful and maybe needs a ‘man bag’ for all his bits?

First day of chemo today - we read the instructions and it seems straightforward but it was a rather big pill to swallow?  Hoping for no side effects.

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