Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My hand template from Monday's blip. I'm doing something else with it, when the prompt fits. :) 

I'm getting off one of my medications, for stress and anxiety... I've decided it myself and it feels so good! My doc told me that since my dose is so low I can 'just quit'. I made the decision to ease it out rather than just quit. And, I was so sure in the beginning when my blood pressure rose to unhealthy highs, that it was the medication that did it (one of the side effects), but my doc told me it was old age and weight. Now that I'm getting off this med, my blood pressure is sinking and so I have to adjust my blood pressure meds... I've already spoken with my doc about this and got the recommendations for adjusting my medication. I don't know if I'm going to be off that medication too, but it feels nice to know that I know my body best. 
So, at the moment I'm tired and feeling like I'm on a slow merry go round...  I've already started to adjust my meds and I have an appointment at the health clinic in 10 days. 
At first, when I started to contemplate stopping with my stress/anxiety medication I was anxious about it, but I thought afterwards that I've been fine without it - a tad bit calmer, but just a tad, so why would it be any different now? I gave it a go, as my doc told me, and now I'm looking forward to having my fav beer at the summer pasture in late July, without the strong possibility do die. :D I'm not much for alcohol, but sometimes, in good company, I like it. I've managed fine these years, no problem at all, but the thought of a cold Sir Taste a lot with my close family... well, that's a treat. :) 
So, with this said... I might not comment as much over the coming days. 

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