
Well I had another good day at work and went out in the bus today with two kids in a wheelchair and one walker. We went and joined a group at the chrichton grounds. And had a lovely time. 

I'm glad I leave early to get to work as my back wheel completely locked up . I didn't have a alan key with me so just had to disconnect the break completely.  I really dislike just using the front brake. But it got me to work and back and to the nursery to collect the two wee ones and home. Another 12 miles cycled . I was starving when I got home so had a late lunch of granola and Greek yoghurt.  

The boys have their friend James round from school.  He's in p4 with Xander. There are only 4 p4's. It's quite a small school so everyone is friends with each other.  

They're all playing on their tech at the moment.  Bless the Jedi. He keeps calling James Emilie. There is a lovely Emilie in theor class who Carson sees a lot when we go to dalscone together.  

He did amazing again at nursery.  It's 5 hours he's there for and not 4. He actually drank something today.  I sent in a third different cup with a straw and sent a carton of juice that he normally has here at dinnertimes.  So that did the trick. I'm so pleased and hope that he continues to settle.  His Educational visitor was there this morning doing assessments so I should hear from her at some point.  

My Fil is back in Glasgow seeing two different consultants for his ongoing eye problems. He has another operation in March to try and fix the retina and to add another lense. I hope that will do the trick. 

I was a bit annoyed about the jedi's meds. I arranged dor mr R to pick them up this morning and called last night to make sure they would be scanned across to boots. Well Mr R got there and there was no meds. I called the docs this afternoon and the script had only just been faxed across.  So it now can't be picked up until tomorrow.  Sheesh. 

But it's been a good day 

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