Wonderful icy and frosty morning

Too good to waste. I carefully negotiated the roads to revisit the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust reserve. Magnificent light. Wonderful contrasts.

The boardwalk was a bit slippery but I had it to myself. Across, in her usual tree, I thought I saw the kingfisher. I went to maximum zoom and then looked at the photo. Yes. She was there. 

And then she descended as I watched. I couldn’t find her.

I was joined by a couple of regular visitors, one of whom said the Canada geese were making the noise they make when they’re warning others that the mink is around. (Could a mink kill a Canada goose ?).

And then he spotted her. She spent ages preening, with her back to us, just occasionally giving us a glimpse of the red colour on her bill. It was pure magic. 

And then she had had enough.  She flew off, her shimmering blue sparkling against lighter greens and browns. Too fast to do anything but just watch and admire.

I then walked along the river bank, appreciating the fabulous views of the pool, and just taking photos to help capture the scene (extra).

We are so lucky. 

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