The Attic

Last week, we made a huge decision. As soon as the weather warmed a bit, we were cleaning the attic. This is another January job we’ve never found the time to attack. Our builder prepared this secret area above part of our kitchen and breakfast nook to expand our storage capability. I forget why we weren’t allowed that extra space but we have some foolish building rules. He laid a plywood floor, framed out a door jamb that would accommodate an exterior door and covered it with sheetrock. Hubby and a friend cut out the Sheetrock and installed the door after we moved in over 20 years ago. You gain access through a bedroom walk in closet. We have a few treasures stored in there but mainly use it to store Christmas and moving/mailing boxes. I know, a terrible idea for fires. Every member of our family has used these moving boxes, associated wrapping paper and protective bubble wrap. But over the years, we have added way too many mailing boxes to the stash and used way too few. Today, we emptied the entire area throwing the boxes in the garage through the garage ceiling access hole. The pic on the left is a partial attic view, the one on the right is where my car usually stays in the garage. We ran out of time so tomorrow we will break them down and take them to the recycling center. I made a nice meal for our friends, dropped it by and chatted a bit. They think his problems may have escalated from an asymptomatic UTI. We are at Brooklyn’s scrimmage soccer game. I dressed poorly- only have a thin hoodie. Glad the fields have lights; they have not started and it is almost dark. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe. “No person who can read is ever successful at cleaning out an attic.” -Ann Landers

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