Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

And yet another day with worse symptoms from the blood pressure... not as bad as the day before yesterday and the day before that, but since yesterday was good-isch, I thought today would be better and had plans. Had to cancel plans. But fingers crossed for tomorrow. Not sure I want to take my blood pressure meds this evening, since my blood pressure obviously still is sinking. Oh, well... this too will pass.
As I went out to check the mailbox this afternoon, I met my neighbour. We started as we usually do with asking how the other one is - and since he doesn't need to know my medical situation I said Ok. I thought he'd go inside with his son directly, but he was in a talkative mood to unload some stuff about his employer who by feeling the need to save money is putting loads of pressure on its employers. And, the neighbour upstairs is causing him trouble when she walks her dog early in the morning, when he really needs to sleep. He looked exhausted and I know that when you're feeling that, every extra minute of sleep matters. I reassured him that when he talks to the neighbour upstairs, things will sort itself out. The staircase from the upstairs apartments are very noisy and when you don't think about how you walk up and down, the noice carries through the walls. Sometimes I can hear people using the staircase on the other side of the building, one apartment away from me. The staircases are build from some kind of iron/aluminium and it rattles when you walk on it. It's crazy noisy.
The starlings were outside my window doing their acrobatics. I tried to film them, but my camera didn't want to focus, but at least I managed to get a photo or two of them. :)

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