Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn

Urban roll

In my demented quest to do the 10,000 steps I tidied, cleaned, washed, walked to my class and recycled. Did manage it.

Felt like a genius when I managed to get a hoover bag into the hoover. Walked to my class in lovely sunshine.

The content currently is very challenging and in comparison to Scotland far behind when considering discrimination. Although it is in the constitution there seems to be a huge gap between theory and practice. My class and I have developed a deep hatred of the course book and it's clumsy attempts to enlighten us on the topic of integration. I am fed up of being told to bin my English and speak only German. It's part of my culture and binds me to family and friends. I speak German with everyone else and that should be enough. Integration cannot be in one direction only both sides have to meet in the middle. I have a exam tomorrow and the want to get rid of the silly book.

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