A bear named Patch.

This was another one of my snuggly toys. He was giving to me from a little girl who I used to look after in after school club. She was 10. I did a lot with her during all the school holidays.  I was around the same age her birth mum was ( she's adopted) and she built up a lovely attachment to me. Her family are amazing.  And this bear has been around the world . Her dad is high up in the navy and would take the bear with him on his adventures.  The little girl is now 22. And this bear became Xanders about 4 years ago. And he never let's it out of his sight. 

Everyone has had a really good day. Its been a busy week for us all and Xander is feeling exhausted.  He says he thinks he's just tired but also his body isn't right. We will see how the evening progresses . I hope he isn't coming down with anything.  No-one else has caught the pox yet. 

Mr R was great and did the nursery pickup for me. It was raining and quite windy, so I've only cycled 54 miles and not 60. Harp said after that she wanted to go in the bike trailer.  
If the weather is good tomorrow then we might all cycle to nana and grandads tomorrow.  The wildlings want a bike ride. 

Have a happy weekend.  X 

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