Peter pan

I went out in the bus this morning with 3 of my work kids to
It's the first time I have been before and what a beautiful and calming place it is. We met a real life fairy ( that's her actual job ) . She read our story to the kids. The big red button you see gives a command. Like " sparkle, turn the page " . We have a blue one at work that when pressed says " good morning " . You can add a few phrases to them. 

My body is knackered.  I feel quite tired today.  I will get used to the biking and working and the new everyday routine,  I reckon I just need another week for my body to process it has to cycle all the time. Hehe . 

We all went for a play at dalscone after school and nursery and we're not long home. Everyone is tired. 

Mr R  was in York today to see a client.  I hope its not a late night again for him. I will be having a early night. Just two wildlings are getting bathed tonight.  But I've got stuff to do. 

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