Damp and dandy

bit of another restless nights sleep. keep waking up at about 3.30am every morning, and with the birds awake not long after, it's difficult to drift back off. still i must've managed to do til about 7.30am.

rang the docs at 8am to get an appointment for today. got in for 9.50am, and made it just in time. Have got a blood test now, which will hopefully establish why i've been getting iritis.

back home and in for the day. watched some rubbish on tele, and then a visit from Auntie Jean! got my macro lens out and had a look around the garden, but it's difficult to focus properly with my right eye. like this picture of a damp dandelion head!

later managed a short walk with Pete at about 4pm. then home to cook a nice tea.

it's gone cold again, and radiators on again....is it really May?!!!

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