This morning started a bit earlier than was ideal. Mr B couldn't sleep last night and stayed up late, and it turned out I was on the early shift for worry and sleeplessness. Still, some good came of it since I was able to get a start on the day's task of turning the house from a building site into a home suitable for guests... And also I spotted the rather delicious light outside which changed from blue skies and dawn light, to fog and to this clean bright light with everything dusted with fog droplets within about 10 minutes. The fog lingered in the valley towards town for hours, and I saw a bunch of hares hanging out in a field, but I can never resist a lupin leaf.
So, to cleaning. After a mere five minutes of vaccuming upstairs, the machine packed in. I guess it wasn't happy about being used by Mr B for DIY (hoovering up rotten wood). I swore after he ruined two hoovers by vaccuming up building site rubble that I would never let him use it again... but I never seem to hold to these promises. Anyway, to brushes....
Mr B, despite full cognisance of the need to clean the house, decided it was a good day to frame out and plasterboard half the living room. And, apparently, also a good day to drill through an electric cable. Never ones to panic, we called our friendly International Electrician, no job too big or too small (or 'Dad' for short) and were soon reassured that we could repair the damage without dying or burning the house down. So the cable conduit was dug out of the wall, the wires were wrapped and secured and life went on.
I am now the dustiest I think I have ever been. In good news, the hoover started working again, making tomorrow morning a bit easier. In bad news option 2 for getting out of a fix we are in failed (option 1 having depressingly failed yesterday). But, an option 3 has appeared on the horizon. It is a complicated choice with potentially difficult implications, but them's the breaks. Tomorrow will be a frenzy of cleaning and cooking, and then relaxing, laughing and talking nonsense.
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