
By cracker


I looked after Leo all day today and we had a lovely time! Joti and Leo played pretty well together, we jumped on the trampoline a bit, played at the park then went for an hour long walk so the kids slept!

In the afternoon there was water play, toys, cars and The Wiggles!! Fleur finished work at 4 then came over and we chatted for nearly an hour while Joti slept on me and Fleur ended up doing my dishes!

Fleur's husband, Craig, had picked Spence up from school and taken him with Teddy and Harry to soccer training. Fleur took Leo home then I followed them over with Joti and Craig had just got back with the boys. We stayed and had pizza while Craig went and played soccer.

Here are Leo and Joti with kick boards from the pool on their heads as hats!! As you do!

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