Houses and beaches!

Spence had soccer this morning at Maleny. It was a chilly morning but blue skies and turned into a lovely day! They lost soccer 2-5 but had a good time playing!

We came home and pottered around, had lunch, played the Wii, then Kaz came home. She had been in Brisbane attending an auction of a house that her and her joint venture partner, Jo, were interested in buying to renovate and sell. She ended up buying the house at auction for less than she was prepared to pay which was great! Now she has 30 days to plan and organise everything then she will be super busy project managing and renovating the house! They are hoping to do it in 4 weeks and make $50,000 out of it! I don't imagine we will see much of her for those 4 weeks!!

In the afternoon we all went out to Point Cartright and played at a couple of parks we hadn't been to and then went and played on the beach at Kawana. Joti was in a very happy mood so we weren't there for long!

I did manage to get a couple of photos of the kids on the beach though!

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