Strike that. Reverse it!


And Relax!

I'm so glad todays nearly over, well that this week is tbh. Been a hard week in so many ways.

This was a last minute blip, an EWFB again although the wet bit is due to the awful weather outside and not added for effect :0)

Today I went to Macclesfield with work. Journey there was a breeze, not surprising considering the ungodly hour I left this morning. Meeting finished earlier than expected so decided to drive straight home without getting anything to drink or eat, silly mistake. I really should know how bad the M62 gets. Yet another Friday and an accident with me stuck in the jam. Hours sat not moving, not how I like to spend my Friday. So I did have a few blips of the traffic jam, but to be honest I'm that fed up of it that I couldnt bring myself to load them on the laptop.

Really pleased to be home and finally chilling. Hope you've all had a lovely Friday and have a great weekend xxx

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