Strike that. Reverse it!


Come Back to What you know!

Take everything real slow.....

Today I was in Sheffield for GeoDATA 13. I do love data and Geo so what better combination :0) Its been a while since I've done any Geo work but it is my area and something I really enjoy working with. So today has been a good day.

Well what did I learn today? Here comes the boring bit ;0)

1 petabyte - the amount of data which was used to make the film Avatar. So if a normal ipad is 16GB this is equivalent to 62,500 ipads and if you were to stack the ipads ontop of each other they would be taller than the worlds tallest buiding!

1.2 zettabytes - the amount of data in the world in 2010. This is equivalent to 75 billion ipads!

Bearing in mind that 80% of all data has a geographical element thats a whole lot of GeoDATA out there!

For those of you who may like maps and data but dont get chance to play with them Excel and Bing have joined together to produce GeoFlow its so easy to use.

I could go on but I won't bore you anymore :0) Just sharing something I love and thats what blips about.

Hope you've all had a good Thursday xxx

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