What charming worms :-)
A lovely walk over the heath with Indie, ending with a walk down the old railway track for Indie's dip in the river Bovey, walked back keeping an eye out for the deer we startled earlier, I went over the fence into the DWT patch, Indie went under, I've got peanuts in my pocket which I plan to scatter about near the badger sett on a ridge. I'll do it for a while then perhaps after a week I'll go down at dusk & see if I can spot them. There's lots of housekeeping going on, leafy bedding at the top of the entrance.
Back to Mum for coffee, then Lidl's, Home Bargains, topped up with petrol at Tesco's & home. Lunch, followed by a couple of hours freshening up the back garden, clearing leaves, loosening the soil in the beds ready for a layer of well rotted poo. I cleaned out all the bird waterers, the water feature, & bird bath. Checked out the wormery, all good, more fresh veg waste to go in when I've prepped for dinner. Stoved chicken tonight.
Countryfile at 6pm, Great Pottery Throwdown at 7.45. At least 2 programmes on worth watching tonight. Poor Mum was confused last night as BBC2 programmes were changed, Burt Bacarach tribute on which of course was' nt advertised.
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