Note to self

So I Googled the message that came up on my camera screen after my tumble and found a comment posted on the website IFixit " gently but firmly bump the side of the camera as you TURN it on". Which was what I did in reverse when I caught my foot in the bramble and went flying. I was actually TURNING my camera off when I firmly bumped it, & me on the ground.. Well, it fixed it, like it "says on the tin". Perhaps my days of multitasking are over, or perhaps it was due to Indie getting impatient and me rushing. I can't blame Indie, but I have tried explaining to her in the past that this is a shared morning experience.
Another glorious morning, although a tad chilly, my windscreen was iced over when I left home. After walking Indie, I suggested to Mum that we did some gardening for an hour or so as the forecast was wet, wet, wet for the rest of the week. I also thought it was garden waste collection week. It was'nt. DUH! Still Mum deadheaded & cut back ferns and ornamental grasses that had gone past their best. I gave the pyracantha, & two hypericum 'Hidcote' a good prune then thinned out the Garrya. Those prunings filled the bin to overflowing. Coffee & pain au raisin as a reward. I prepared Mum's late lunch, feed Indie, did the usual checks, then headed home.
Back home I did 2 loads of laundry, got them out on the line, then I did an hours gardening. Next job, sewing the recently purchased duvet. If I could'nt do the job easily, I would use it until it got lumpy and throw it away. I was able to stitch the channels relatively easily. Did that while listening to Tipping Point.
Easy dinner tonight.
Watched Silent Witness, parts1 & 2, later.
. YAY!!

Thanks to Laurie for hosting

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