Plus ça change...

By SooB

Empty house

The cheese house, that is. The actual house is half empty - but Mr B is due back tomorrow. Lunch outside is less fun without him.

Massive lie in today - didn’t wake until 8.30 - and a full morning scrubbing bird tables, weeding, and path clearing. Some staring at the pond and the veg beds too, planning and plotting.

Later, sitting down on the terrace clipping (late) the tub of mint, a robin came and joined me - hopping around very close, including under the bench I was sitting on. Fearing she was looking for a nest site, I started trying to clear away any likely spots. Our terrace is much used and not ideal for nests - I’ve ordered a box we can attach into the Passion flower trellis which might suit.

Later still, dinner with CarbBoy, then watching an odd series about an evil(?) baby, which I fear may give me a sleepless night!

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