
Before leaving Chester yesterday, we went up to Port Sunlight, ostensibly so that Mrs C could take some photos. What could I possibly do to pass the time she wondered? Well, by sheer coincidence, the Wirral Guitar Show was taking place there, and I selflessly volunteered to go and look round it whilst she did her photography. Not sure she entirely believed that this was all “coincidental” but we’d parked up by then.
As it happened, she need not have worried. The show was very crowded but, whilst there were plenty of guitars on display, it was all a bit “samey” and there were very few basses on offer. I was looking for either something vintage or something that could be a project, but what I liked I couldn’t afford and what I could afford I didn’t like. Ah well, it’s always good to walk away from these things with the credit card unmolested.
Back at home now and a quiet day for a change. Well, until this evening when it’s back to rehearsals. The director wants us in costume as much as possible, so I’m putting the thermal underwear on before I go out as it’s going to be cold on that stage without a coat!

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