Dirt Road Blues

Less than 24 hours have elapsed since I spent several hours cleaning my car - something I do so rarely that it warranted a blip yesterday.
And the reason I wash my car so infrequently is demonstrated by today’s blip, which is how the car now looks after a mere thirty mile journey.
I suppose it might not have been so bad if I’d been able to stay on the main road when I went to Barrow this morning, but a large tailback on the A590 just past Ulverston led me into taking a cross country excursion to get on to the coast road.
Unfortunately, the roads involved in this detour were both narrow and rural. That’s rural in the sense of a lot of farm machinery passes over them. Factor in a very big puddle and loads of mud, and I suppose I ought to be grateful it’s only this bad!
So, sod it. The car can stay like this until I either take it to have the scratches repaired or it goes in for its service and MOT, when it will get a “free” valet.
That won’t be happening until July, so I’ll just hope for a few heavy downpours in the meantime to sluice off the worst of the mud now and again. Or pray I win the lottery so I can afford to take it to the chaps at the hand car wash once a week!

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