
Mr C has taken Wed, Thurs & Fri off to paint both bathrooms.  Finding out that I wasn’t needed for O today, I thought I would do my bit and paint the larder.

The larder is now a corridor to the downstairs bathroom and the back door but it did used to be a larder when we first moved in here.  Hence, why we still call it the larder :-D.  We have wire shelving units that store our pots and pans and about a million Tupperware boxes and/or lids and also wall bars that we hang pots on.  You can see how the wall had been marked by the shelves and pans. I hadn’t realised how bad until we moved the shelves.

After I took the second photo I finished all the glossing, including 2 doors.  Once the gloss is dry I will give the floor a good scrub before putting the pots and pans and a reduced amount of Tupperware boxes back. 

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