Didn't think to look this way

Last evening I heard a noise which sounded like a collision of some sort and then another noise followed. Looked out the back and at the big Kanuka which are worrying us as if they fall they will hit the house. Nothing to see.

When I got iup this morning and looked out the window of my study, I saw qhat proabaably caused the noise we both heard.Two big branches have snapped off a big knauka tree and fallen across the driveway. Held up by various trees and branches so that we are able to exit should we need to. I didn't go to work again as I felt I should be with S who is understandably rather freaked by all of this. Additionally, I don't want to be on the road when a massive wind gust hits.

Later today, S drew my attention to a big slip at the corner which is also the lowest point of the road. An almost 20m long bit of land overnight had slipped down more than 15 m to undercut the edge of the road. Some of the trees that had slid away, and most of the clay and rocks had disappeared behind the trees at the bottom. 

My Blip shows the driveway before I picked up the smaller stuff. The extra id the slip

This evening we have had multiple (fortunately brief) power outages. I'll post this before we lose the internet yet again.

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