peacefully tucked in...

...feeling safe
...taken care of

isn't that how a peace lily looks? it has this cradle sort of shape - that enfolds itself around and about - all quiet - unhurried - sitting gracefully - waiting for you to enjoy it...

i so needed that today - for after being ill most of the week - i finally mustered up strength to try and catch-up running a few errands - some of you know driving is something i have struggled with since my accident now a few years ago - so i don't necessarily relish the idea of getting in the car - fussing with traffic - yet it must be done - so there i was - having just come to a stop at a stop light - when *bam* - into the back of my vehicle crashes one of those huge pick-up trucks behind me - like a dodge ram kind of thing to my little 2-door... since i was stopped, nothing more than a scrape - not enough to call a police officer to the scene - turns out the guy says to me "i'm so sorry - my foot slipped off the brake..." huh? really?! that happens? i guess it's conceiveable - but to me? jeesh... i was stunned - but said to the guy, after looking at the small scrape - it was okay - not enough to bother with - be careful with that foot of his - and we parted ways...

i prayed the whole way to a parking lot before pulling over - called a wonderful friend who helped to calm me down - prayed some more with me - reminded me i was in the moment - not back at the old accident of 3 years ago - because i was having flashbacks... and then reassured me i was strong enough to make it home or she'd come and get me - bless her heart - i did make it home - because i am strong - and due to the power of prayer washing over me - because of self-talk - i called my friend when i arrived safely in the door - she told me how proud she was of me - and then i turned - saw the peace lily - tucked in - it all came together - into...


happy day.....

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