i see you...

...looking at me

looking at you

we startled each other - i think - just a tad earlier - i had disbanded a whole little family of bunnies - over the ridge - as i approached - searching out a herd of deer i'd seen - they were what i'd really been looking for - when i saw the tiny fufu's - running for their dear lives - then, when i didn't see any deer (the animals, that is) - i began looking at wildflowers - saw a sudden movement - and came face-to-face - with this precious bunny fufu - left behind i think - by the others - thing is - he didn't seem to be very afraid of me - we had our looksee at each other - i snapped several shots - said my thank you ever so much - to him - and he went about - chomping on weeds and such - before a bit of fear - finally caught up with him - making him scamper off - trying to catch up with the other fufu's - he was the most unexpected delight ever - if you look closely - you'll notice the really cute button nose - on that adorable face - now that - is really enough for me - to make for...


happy day.....

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