Truly inspired... follow in the footsteps of my students. If they can create stories from these things, so can I...

Once upon a long ago there was a poor yet talented Dramatist who lived in a very modest house by the side of a small pond. Living there gave the Dramatist a sense of freedom, inspiration and the feeling of being a big fish in many ways.

Fairly close by the Dramatist's pond was a beautiful tower which overlooked the sea and was home to a gorgeous Princess. The gorgeous Princess loved living there because she could sit and watch the waves crash onto the beach below.

All was well with the world...or so they thought...

One day the poor yet talented Dramatist decided that it was about time that one of the many plays written in the special books only used for play writing was given an airing. At first the Dramatist didn't know which genre of play they should choose to be performed; comedy or tragedy. After much deliberating, the Dramatist decided on a comedy.

Whilst the Dramatist was working on the play, the gorgeous Princess decided that she needed some entertainment. The Princess was very fond of the theatre and had heard about the Dramatist who lived by the pond. She decided to give the Dramatist a call using her brand new sparkly mobile phone.
After an initial mundane introductory conversation the Princess cut to the chase and asked the Dramatist outright if the comedy that was being worked on could be performed in the tower especially for her. The Dramatist was very keen on this idea and agreed almost instantly. The arrangements were made and the two said goodbye.

The smile on the Dramatist's face must have been there for at least a week, and even after that it only ever turned to a frown when the actors were not behaving properly. The Dramatist was very excited, not only was the play going to be performed, but it would be performed for the gorgeous Princess. The Dramatist had never hidden the fact that the gorgeous Princess appealed to her very much.

Finally the big day arrived. The play was performed. The actors acted, the story was revealed, and nobody in the audience laughed. The scene with the pantomime cow didn't raise a smile, the moment when the bad guys legs fell off didn't cause a titter and even the scene when the audience decide on the fate of the hero by rolling a dice never ruffled a grimace.

The gorgeous Princess was not amused. The poor yet talented Dramatist was ashamed. The actors went home with their heads bowed low.

Later that evening the gorgeous Princess was mulling over the day and the comedy she saw that just wasn't funny. She decided that she would take a walk, perhaps towards the pond.
As she was walking through the woods, she noticed smoke and the flames of a small fire. She slowed her paced and stood back to watch what was going on. The Princess watched as the poor yet talented Dramatist was feeding the fire with all of the plays from the special books that she had written. The Princess was shocked, worried and upset that the Dramatist had taken the failure if the comedy so hard.

"Stop!" She called across the clearing behind the Dramatist's house. "Why are you destroying all of your work? It can't all be bad."

"It's all worthless," replied the Dramatist, "the comedies are not funny, the tragedies are so miserable they are wailing as they burn."

"But there must be a reason for this."

"I'm clearly just miserable and not talented at all. I used to be talented, inspired, now I'm just sad and dried up"

"That's not positive thinking, I order you as a gorgeous Princess to stop being so negative."

The Dramatist stood still. She looked up into the stern face of the gorgeous Princess. All of a sudden it came to her, the inspiration, the key to the talent. The Dramatist knew what needed to be done. A new play would be written, a funny play, a true play, a play with the key to inspiration once more. And the Dramatist knew the title even before it had been written...The Gorgeous Princess.

That is all.

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