Dino Jacks!

Yesterday the grandchildren went to see the dinosaurs at the NHM and the set of Dino Jacks was bought for them in the gift shop. They came round to day and my daughter asked if I could teach them to play as she knew I played Jacks when a child! It came back to me after a few try outs but is actually quite tricky for five year olds to throw and bounce the ball plus pick up the dinos. We then realised that as they had come in a plastic ‘bubble’ attached to cardboard they need a container. So….we went and made a drawstring bag on my sewing machine as they both like the idea of ‘sewing’ and helping press the machine pedal.

Then two visitors this afternoon, one friend was returning some books I lent her and another was passing so came to give me a plant.

So quite a busy day, none of the jobs on my long list were done!
Such a grey day in contrast to yesterday but the rain which was forecast did not arrive, just some drizzle.

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