
I was so swaddled in warm clothes when we took Spike on a walk this morning that I couldn't get my hands out of my pockets or the gloves off my hands in order to take a picture, so I resorted once again to the garden. I love the shape of this plant as well as the delicate coloring. It will take something like a very long pair of tweezers to extract the oak leaves lodged in the center of the plant so I changed the angle a bit and cropped the bottom.

Just as I had put the enormous navy pea coat in the donation box, I finally got an email with a shipping label and instructions to pack it up, print the label and drop it off at a UPS store. I found a box, jammed the coat in it put tape all over it and then realized that I had forgotten to add a note with a some magic number on it that was supposed to produce further results. Then I ran out of tape....

My sanity has been sorely tested today, but I think I have managed to hang on to it for another day. A series of mishaps such as losing my phone, wandering around the house looking for it, calling it and not hearing it ring, remembering that it was turned off but also that I had had it just recently, I finally took a deep breath and started looking for it in unlikely places....for I had found it in the fridge once...but this time it turned up in the closet.

The dubious pharmacy in Texas called John again and I suggested that he  told him to call the doctor's office and ask for more information. So far I don't think he's done it, but I am not going to get involved.

I made some appetizers to take to an 80th birthday party for our neighbor and then, flush with success and some extra photos from the printer I decided to make him a card. Then, of course, I had to make another envelope. I wasn't sure I could remember all the details, so I looked for the trusty YouTube video only to find out that I wasn't connected to the internet. Further investigation revealed that none of the devices was connected to the internet, making me suspect that it was a provider problem, not ours. But my own grasp on such things is so fragile that I called Jim for backup. He confirmed that it was a provider problem and they were working on it.

Back to the problem of the envelope, I winged it and got a fairly decent result although I did have to dredge up a few stickers to hold it together.

Another neighbor called and the story of her day was so much worse than mine that I pulled myself together and we discussed whether she should go to the party tonight since her son having been sick, tested negative for Covid, gone back to work where he spent quite a bit of time with her husband and then went home and tested positive. She was trying to decide if she should go to the party. I said she hadn't had a direct exposure so she should go, but she had called the hostess and told her so thought if anybody did get sick she would feel terrible....and besides everybody would blame it on her! 

Another way in which Covid has changed our lives forever....Obviously we can no longer go by how we feel.  The fact that tests exist changes everything, even though they seem to be pretty unreliable. 

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