Last day of the week

The photo is another art piece in the complex. I didn’t leave the complex, we worked from our hotel rooms and the more experienced of us are incredulous that we’ve essentially finished one week after beginning our meetings. One of the jokes last night was that people couldn’t believe we were still sitting next to each other. Sometimes these things get ugly and I am very, very glad that my first time was so positive. 

Then I took a training on planning for and reacting to an active shooter situation. Compared to those security trainings before I came here, it really was nothing. I mean, the first video, which was a reenactment, apparently triggers a lot of the watchers, but those other trainings ….

Since we’ve decided to do nothing about gun violence, maybe we could offer that on YouTube. 

In the extras is the only authentic South African meal I’ve had since getting here. Pap and vors and sheba. This is what I had last night. Pap is like ugali but this was the best I’ve ever had. 

Oh. I found the battery bank I lost. See, yet another reason why traveling with Kate was great - Kate can find things. 

I asked Karen if I have flowers - and I do! And in a few days I will get to see them.

I didn’t think to bring my Milky Way lens but we may have all cloud cover tomorrow night in the nature reserve so it may not matter. In fact, I will be bringing my rain jacket…. It has rained an impressive amount today and we’ll see what it does tomorrow. 

I told my friend I will bring my camera and she can decide if I’ll use it. She definitely wants me to use it at the repast. Ok, look up repast. A repast is a meal. She’ll find out if there are restrictions at the church. 

Russian officials continue to die in mysterious ways. A Russian military official in charge of financial provisions for the military district blamed for the Kremlin's most humiliating losses in Ukraine has been found dead after a fall from a St. Petersburg high-rise. Her documents were on the balcony. 

Putin is securely in power - but not as securely in power before is 2022 invasion. What does that mean? I don’t know, but people are now discussing succession and before the assumption was he’d be in power until 2030. Now, while they think he would win office in 2024, people increasingly don’t think he’ll be in power in 2030. 

The Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark are planning to supply Ukraine with about 100 Leopard main battle tanks. Zelensky thanked the Netherlands for their decision to donate a Patriot missile system. I’m not saying it is related but the US Dept of State just authorized the sale of HIMARS to the Netherlands. 

Yesterday there was another prisoner swap and 100 Ukrainian soldiers and one civilian are now coming home. 

Stephen King announced his newest book while wearing a baseball cap that says Ukraine. 

Israel has reopened its embassy in Kyiv. 

Happy weekend

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