Living my dream

By Mima

And she’s off!

This is the start of our habitual walk in Enfield, half way between home and Oamaru.

We always stop here so that Bean can have a leg-stretch and a download or two before she sits in the car while I’m running around town. She knows when we’re close and starts whining and milling about in the back of the car.

As soon as I lift the boot door she’s out and off along the road to smell the latest smells and to startle the pigeons which roost beneath the creek bridge in the distance.

It’s a 25 minute walk to the end of the road and back to the car. Bean is always reluctant to turn round at the far end.

It’s a hot one again. I’ve taken most of the afternoon off from the garden (having spent the morning in town), so it’s been a relatively unproductive day, but I have caught up not only with Blips, but with emails and bills: and enjoyed a lovely surprise video call with friends at lunchtime.

The extra is the borrowed trug which I hope to fill with veg for the Show. I say ‘hope’ because I oiled it when I got it home. While it looks much better oiled, it smells awful and I’m not sure if the turps-like aroma will have subsided enough by Friday. I’m not using it if it stinks.

Fortunately there is a Plan B.

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