It has survived

The Nurses League was at risk of folding last year, but when this dropped on the mat this morning it was proof that we are still in business. 

This is my first year completely off the committee, so I had no idea of what has happened in the past 12 months. It’s all completely new news, no snippets on the grapevine. 

The grand tidy up continues. Starting with pruning a climbing rose in the back garden. It was only accessible over the fence from next door’s drive way. I did a grand job up the ladder, not the most efficient pruning, more of a hatchet job. 

We did a review of the garage and divided out areas of responsibility. I have sorted out my French polishing cupboard and some other shelves, on a high one I found a very nice casserole dish which I thought had gone missing when we moved here in 2015!! 

Amber and I walked up to meet B from table tennis. It looked dull and was colder today, but was ok. 

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