Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Battered but Unbowed

Today has been a busy one. Under instructions from Mrs. Joesblips, I have spent most of the day in the loft, clearing out some of the stuff I had accumulated. The blip didn't happen until 7pm. We are now sitting back to be infuriated entertained by the Eurovision Song Contest, a competition which hasn't been an actual Song Contest for at least 25 years. More like a dance and circus competition.
Anyway, this clematis, the first one to open in our garden has been braving the wind and the very cold nights for the past 10 days or so. I think the frost hasn't done it any good but it refuses to lie down and surrender and now it has a friend budding beside it and about to keep it company.
OK, back to the torture now. 9 gone. Too much still to come.

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