Camping and blipping.

Extra: staff facilities.

I will thank everyone individually for their kind messages on my 15th anniversary on Saturday but, just in case that takes a while, here's a general "thank you" for now.

Although I ceased being a "comment whore" many years ago, I still very much appreciate each and every view, star, favourite and comment I receive. Actually that's not strictly true...I'm not crazy about stars. I've never recovered from the one star saboteurs. Did we ever find out who that was?
I've often wondered if it was just one person or an organised gang!
Anyway I digress.

I still frequently ask myself why I keep doing this, in fact I considered hanging up my blip boots, actually all my boots, many times over recent months, but something always stops me and, even on the days when I think that I've served my sentence, I still make my daily photo just in case I regret my decision.

Obviously I rarely comment or leave any sign that I have visited your journal but I sill love this strange little excellent place and some of the people who hang out here.

I guess it boils down to this. As someone who has been here a long time once said to me, and I paraphrase here...

"I'd love to stop blipping, but I'm frightened because I don't think I will like the feeling of not doing it."

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