
By Schoenies

Wild sea

The strong wind continued all night and this morning, and the sea has been wild all day. I love the different moods of the sea.
Sister M and I went to the new mall at the beachfront and were amazed at the shops  and restaurants. We had a good laugh when we realised how we were wandering around in amazement looking wide eyed at the layout, as if we'd never seen a shopping mall before.  We found a lovely restaurant for coffee and cake and will certainly return for lunch, and maybe cocktails..
On the practical side, the water tank arrived and will be installed tomorrow. Day zero is rapidly approaching with only 7% of the 12% dam capacity usable. 
The wind has died down this evening, what a relief.
Shrove Tuesday today, so we fetched our order of pancakes from the Church.  I can't believe it's the start of Lent tomorrow. We didn't stay for the talent show put on by the staff, but the hall was packed with people out to enjoy the evening.

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