Wind-blown Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

The day started out much like yesterday... The big bad migraine monster just wont let go... This is never good on a weekend when you are having company. Unfortunately, my husband had to do his part and mine in the early part of the day. But, I've got the monster tamed for now (gotta love meds) and I'm able to participate like a normal-ish person this afternoon.

My husband's brother is up for the weekend and B (daughter) is back from college for a weekend break. She really wanted to spend a day fishing with the guys so the three of them went out in the boat just about the time I got vertical. I packed them a cooler for lunch and I'll get to enjoy them at dinner and this evening. We're having lasagna - easy for me and pleases everyone. Yumm. :)

Well, that left me with a little time to run some more Big Daddy tests. I didn't feel like going far, so I aimed at birds in the yard. I think this yellow-belly turned out pretty good. (Taken on the monopod?) I also saw plenty of hummingbird activity. Two males fighting, one male at the feeder and later a female on her own. I didn't get any shots that I found acceptable of the hummers. Today was a cloudy, windy day and I think the lower light availability pushed BD too far. There was too much noise in most of the photos. Something to think about. So again, I had some great shots with BD, and some struggles. It's been a good idea to rent so far... I'm learning so much. (And having a great time with it.) :)) The yellow-bellied sapsucker looks better large if you care to check it out.

I may close my eyes for a bit until dinner. But I will catch-up on your journals as soon as I can. Thanks for bearing with me.

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