First Bumble of the Spring

I climbed up and down our rock wall chasing after this bee as it went from myrtle flower to flower (vinca minor). We have a steep rock wall that is 3 levels high and over 12 feet total in height and it is covered in myrtle. This bee visited every one of those flowers... So. it follows, that I did as well... ;-) Not many of my shots were in focus, but a few were reasonable. This being the best of the bee, seems sort of funny of the rock and plant. Don't they look kind of fake? It's a really wild and natural structure, and this ends up looking like I took an image of a bee on a plastic plant... Strange. Oh well, the bee looks good. :)

Stanger in large.

We spent the day in the garden putting up border fences and cleaning things up. It felt good to get the yard ready for the growing season! Bring on the macro blips. :))

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