Yellow Pages

We have had a massive sort out today - we cleared completely the space under the roof of the garage which has been the dumping ground for all sorts of stuff and has not been cleared out, probably since we moved here over 20 years ago. It involved Gordon crawling about in a confined space whilst I moved all the boxes etc. out of the way. Then we had to look through what was there and of course there was so much we had forgotten all about and much that we needed to get rid of. 

We now have big piles - charity shop, freegle, tip etc. A huge job, but we are pleased we have done it and glad we were ruthless. 

Here is one thing we found. When our daughter got her first job as a Junior Reporter for the Stockport Express, she was so pleased when her stories made the front page that she kept a copy - here these copies are, years and years later, and looking decidedly yellowed. I sent her a photo and she laughed and said she would scan a few when she is next at ours and get rid of the rest. 

I also found a box that I had labelled 'Archive Newspapers' - I have no idea what is there but they must have been important enough at the time for me to keep them. I will have a good time this evening looking through them! 

(And Gordon found a pair of gloves he lost many years ago!!)

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