
An early start to get to the airport for our 8,30am flight to Barcelona... We had a nervy time as our plane was delayed by fog and I could see our connection time (from a different terminal) getting smaller and smaller!! But once the fog lifted we were off (Asha on her own elsewhere on the plane) and landed in plenty of time for flight number 2, time even for a coffee. We had a slightly odd experience entering the UK and needing to translate for Border Control with an immigration issue for a family entering!
Asha was delighted to be reunited with her grandparents, and delighted to see her godfather Texas. And then delighted to pop into Sutton to get a new book!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This opportunity to come to Sutton (for Eden's dedication at the weekend).
2) Safe travels.
3) A heart to heart with Tex. 

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