
By NothingGetsLost


So impressed by P5 today. 
There can be some tricky dynamics and a lot of kids who's feelings are extra feeling-y.
So a practical session about FairTrade felt  a bit of a risk! We thought about pre-warnjng them and decided against it. (The power of relationship right there btw!) 

They worked hard, gathering firewood, that they knew they would use a bit of but most of it would go elsewhere without any credit to them. For the promise of a payment (of an undisclosed amount) of chocolate eggs at the end.
Some got sneaky bonuses as they worked. Some got promised extra on pay day. Some were told how much they'd get on pay day.
Some (naturally!) did little to no work while others did lots. Mr B sat miles away doing nothing.
Pay day! 
Bonuses were revealed. Some got no pay but a promise it would come tommorow. Some got about the right amount for what they did. Some got way less than they felt they deserved. Some way more than others though they should have! Mr B got loads. 
Minor tantrums ensued. Some attempts at sharing. 
Fantastic insightful wonderfully child led conversations about work, fairness, kindness, human rights followed. 
These are big concepts. Especially the idea that actions here can affect people you'll never meet 1000s of miles away. 
Eggs were re distributed equally. 
The 4 extra were given to an old couple sat on a bench. 
So impressed.

(And Co-op donated us the eggs!)

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