
By NightOwl45

Back Blip

Back Blipping…

I woke up at 4am in utter agony, I was incredibly stiff, far more intense fibromyalgia pain than usual - which is saying something. This flare has went on for about three on and off now - mostly on.

I know it’s been triggered by a multitude of factors. I got up at 5.30am as I couldn’t lie in bed a second more and was hopeful that sitting up might help a little. Sadly, it didn’t.

A friend who gets up at 5.30am for his work texted me about 5.20am and by then I had been in tears of extreme pain, exhaustion, frustration, annoyance and of sleep deprivation.

I don’t think I have ever felt more grateful for a text as I did then, even in such agony.

Anyway, after trying to ring the GP surgery about 8.20am and not getting through - I persisted but to no avail. To be fair, I usually get through. There were thirteen patients in the telephone queue so I decided to drag myself out to the local pharmacy. 

I looked like absolute death but couldn’t even lift my makeup brushes to my face to try and conceal my pandas eyes, pain and fatigue.

I rang my Mum twice before I left, against my better judgment. I tried twice, an hour apart. I didn’t her expect her to pick up and she didn’t either time. Anyway, I don’t know what possessed to even try but I will put it down to the sleep deprivation and the one percent, almost invisible hope that she even cares. She doesn’t. Not a jot. Her choice. Not mine.

Luckily, I made it to the pharmacist and asked to speak with her in the private room as by the time I got there, I was still in utter agony, further exhausted by going out and desperate for some support and guidance with pain management.

She was absolutely brilliant. She gave me some good advice and phoned my GP surgery and arranged for them to give me an emergency callback. It wasn’t my own GP but the GP I got was okay. Not the worst one in the practice, thank goodness!

She arranged for meds to be prepared same day. I have been using them tonight (Tuesday, back Blipping this on Wednesday).

I went for a lie down before dinner, hoping for a nap as I was completely washed out. This was at 6pm. I had texted a couple of friends back - playing catch up as usual but so grateful for their friendship.

I nodded off around 7.30pm and awoke at 4.40am! (Wednesday morning) feeling much better although I have been very fatigued all day. 

I couldn’t believe it when I looked at the time on my phone but it made a significant difference. My friend texted me again about 7am before he headed to work and that made me smile.

I needed a few things at the shop so popped in to pick them up whilst I awaited a text for the new meds. Main Blip - Mother’s Day cards…no thanks! I’ll save a few pounds. Did it all for many, many years. I won’t waste my precious thoughtfulness, energy and love on it this year, that’s a definite. 

I later read the Blip of Mumof4Wildlings where she recounted an exchange with her mother - if you’re reading this as you usually do - this Blip pic’s for you haha! We can treat ourselves to something else with the money saved, ha! :P

Will play catch up tomorrow all being well :) xx

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