
By NightOwl45

Wonderful Wednesday

Today has been like night and day compared to yesterday. As I said in my back Blip for yesterday, new meds and awoke at 4.40am - couldn’t believe I had slept that long! 

I was so grateful to wake up with minimal pain although my fatigue was high - I prefer that although fatigue can be very frustrating!

I have spent today resting despite feeling better. This is the first day I have felt as “normal” fibromyalgia wise for months, quite honestly. Trying my best to think positive and hope it lasts.

Today’s Blip - one of my favourite flowers and not a big flower fan - daffodils. They were shoved in a vase yesterday - flower arranging is not one of my talents haha! They’re very cheerful and so affordable. I much prefer them to roses.

Still doing my online February Gratitude Challenge but no online singing lessons today, I just listened to music as I rested.

I have caught up with texts from friends and rested today apart from making two phone calls - whilst on hold (to my energy company - the “joys” of atrocious hold music!), I wrote the poem below on the back of an envelope. I found a hastily scrawled idea for it today in an old writing notebook from many years ago.

I hope you like it, it’s a rough first draft. I find writing (and obviously Blip, a wonderfully supportive, creative online community), a very therapeutic and cathartic hobby.


Walking down to visit my pal,
early evening, work finished for the day,
lighter nights on the horizon.
Spring approaching, the daffodils blooming
outside and in pots on my windowsill.

A shout from behind, I turn to look,
thinking it may be a friend or
someone I know in passing,
just hello and no more.

"You're The Angel of Lochside, so ye ur!"
Bemused, I lift my head, grin.
Sad, glazed eyes shine and smile back.

I ask him why. An Angel? Surely not,
but possibly a few demons lying in wait.
He answers, without hesitation,
"Well, you're the nearest wummin I've saw roun here with an aura roun yer heid, hen!
An' yer a wee belter anaw, by the way!"

He laughs uproariously at his own humour
and I can't do anything else except 
shake my head at his perceived vision 
of my missing in action halo,
my blurry beauty.

I laugh once more and halfheartedly half wave.
Off he cycles
a pissed stranger in possession of a push bike
and a sense of humour.

Thanks for all your lovely, kind and supportive stars, comments and hearts - much appreciated. Hopeful of playing proper catch up with Blip tomorrow and have done no Duolingo German revision for two days now - will try and do that tomorrow, although I’m mindful that I mustn’t push myself after just one better night and better day as my fatigue is still higher than usual :) xx

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