never pruned the hellebores

This one is going gangbusters.

I had a very nice sleep from 8 pm to 3 am. 

Ukrainians are donating massively to the war effort, including hundreds of businesses, thousands of civic organizations, and millions of individuals. Come Back Alive is a charity licensed to import arms that has raised more than $160 million. It is buying Sharks, a new drone aimed at spotting targets for the HIMMARS. Zelensky's charity, United24, has collected $287 million. One thing it has bought is a helicopter for econ and medical evacuation. Metinvest is a steel and mining conglomerate that has provided 150,000 bullet-proof vests, 80,000 tank traps, and 1,100 drones. The charity Serhiy Prytula raised $108 million and, in addition to the famous purchase of Bayraktar drones, also bought 900 pickup trucks, refurbished five tanks and other armored vehicles, and bought thousands of smaller drones. The Ukrainian army wasn't prepared for tens of thousands of female soldiers and the new organization Zemliachky put together boxes of "female hygiene products" and moved on to combat boots and uniforms. Donors are supplying everything from boots to tanks and funding military training, medical supplies, and the design of apps that help with military goals. 

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